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When you are faced with a problem, close your eyes and remember that your Invisible Self is right there where you are. Then be still, and the Spirit Itself will take over.

~ 'A Lesson To Sam', Joel S. Goldsmith
                  Mystical Meditation
• Healing Through Being •

What is necessary for enlightenment to happen is for the ‘me' to understand that the ‘me', however perfect, is still an instrument through which the source functions and brings about whatever is necessary according to the Cosmic Law. The ‘me' cannot be the doer of any deed.

~ 'Nuggets of Wisdom', Ramesh S. Balsekar
                  Mystical Meditation
• Healing Through Being •

A teacher you respect, admire, and most of all, believe, tells you that you are an extension of Consciousness -- you are not the doer -- neither is anyone else the doer. There's no such thing as free will -- no intentional effort -- so just be - do nothing. Understanding is all!

~ 'Onions to Pearls', Satyam Nadeen 

                   Mystical Meditation
• Healing Through Being •



Whenever you leave one place to go on to another place, pause for a second to realize that the Presence has gone before you to prepare the way; and that that Presence remains behind you as a benediction to all who pass that way

~ 'The Infinite Way', Joel S. Goldsmith
                  Mystical Meditation
• Healing Through Being •
                                                      31st- 06th

There you have it, you are reminded that not only the gift of power is given you, but that the Giver is right there to back it up and to stand back of you.

~ 'The Joy Bringer', Walter Lanyon
                  Mystical Meditation

• Healing Through Being •


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